Analogue and digital enlargements in the classic photochemical process:

The lab is equipped with a classic darkroom and with a large Océ Lightjet exposure unit.

Analogue enlargements are exposed on paper with the two enlargers—Durst Laborator 1200 and 1800—and enhanced professionally with burning and dodging, if wished. From small-, medium-, and large-format negatives, and glass plates (from a slide with internegative or from a scan). After being exposed, the paper is developed in large machines from Autopan using the RA4 process.

The maximum format for analogue prints is 120 cm × 180 cm / 47’’ × 70’’ (example based on small-format negative), but in principle the entire roll length can be used.

Contact sheets as well as rush prints (without precise color correction and without dust removal) for quick assessing images are available upon consultation.

Digital prints are exposed with the Océ LightJet 430 and can be made in any format up to 120 cm × 300 cm / 47’’ × 118’’. These Lightjet prints correspond with so-called Lambda prints, whose name comes from the device.

Data delivery:

Before sending, please leave data in the original size and do not scale it up or down in Photoshop.

Papers for analogue and digital prints in the wet process

Fujicolor Crystal Archive Paper Type DP II

Outstanding color paper with a beautiful paper white, available in the qualities glossy and matte.

Fujicolor Crystal Archive Pearl

Color paper with a metallic or mother-of-pearl-like effect. This paper is only available in the quality glossy.

FUJIFLEX Crystal Archive

High-gloss color paper of pure plastic, very high-contrast.
Until October 2015, we were one of the last photo labs using the Ilfochrome and/or Cibachrome process. Ilford stopped producing this high-quality paper and the chemicals for developing it a while ago, and after a few years, our stock has now been used up. Our knowledge and experience with this sophisticated material is now being used in the production of Fujiflex prints.


Transparent foils, for example for light boxes. Fujiclear is completely transparent, while Fujitrans has a milky coating.

Papers for only analogue techniques

Kodak Endura Premier

Outstanding, somewhat thicker color paper with a warm paper white. The paper is available in the qualities of glossy and matte. We use it exclusively for analogue work.

Ilford Black-and-White Multigrade PE

In the case of larger quantities and on request, maximum size 127 cm × roll length.


On request. Prints measure up to 50 × 60 cm / 19’’× 23’’ in size and are developed in trays.
Please ask regarding larger formats!

Film Development

Only b/w negative film in all standard formats and processes, except for C-41.