Scans and digital image processing
We produce high-quality scans from negatives, slides, photo prints, and non-transparent originals (such as photo prints, drawings, maps, et cetera), with the Hasselblad Flextight X5. With this device, we are able to scan the following formats:
- Small-format images of 24 × 36 mm to 24 × 220 mm at 8000 dpi
- Medium-format images of 45 × 60 mm at 4000 dpi
- Medium-format images of 60 × 60 mm to 60 × 170 mm at 3200 dpi
- Large-format images of 4×5 inch at 2040 dpi
- Large-format images of 9×12 cm at 2400 dpi
- DIN-A4 originals at 960 dpi
For stiff, non-transparent originals of up to maximum 35 cm × 47 cm / 14’’× 18’’ and for glass negatives, we use the Fuji Lanovia C-550 or the Plustek OpticBook A300 flatbed scanner. We are able to scan the following sizes with these devices:
- Non-transparent originals of up to 35 × 47 cm at up to 5000 dpi
- Glass negatives of up to DIN A3 at up to 5000 dpi
- We produce the scans with the Hasselblad Flextight X5 with various options for clients:
- High-resolution scans in a particular size with color correction and dust retouching.
- Raw scans in a particular size, with simple color correction and without dust retouching.
- 3F scans with maximum dimensions, without color correction, no dust retouching.
The 3F scan should be regarded as resembling a RAW file or negative. The entire color spectrum is retained with complete image information with 16-bit color depth, and can be edited as desired afterward, for example with the free FlexColor software from Hasselblad. No 3F scans can be produced using the Fuji Lanovia C-550 or Plustek OpticBook A300 flatbed scanners. The scans are read with 8 bits, and in the case of 3F scans with 16 bits.
Dust retouching is done in Photoshop at a view of 66%.
Selective color matching (for example, with masks), dirty negatives, slides or non-transparent originals as well as special retouching or cropping objects in the image are billed at our hourly rate. If desired, we optimize digital files in cooperation with the client directly on a calibrated monitor. We offer color matching and retouching, general image processing, also for video, as well as the preparation of files for printing, for instance conversion into CMYK files.
With our calibrated Epson Inkjet printer, it is possible to produce certified proofs in compliance with the Fogra standard. We are happy to digitize archives and holdings.
It is also possible to have classic repro-photos made. If you have any questions about other processes, techniques, or possibilities, please give us a call.